Week 1+ 1 - Day 3

It took me eight days but I did get through week 1! I'm frustrated it took me an extra day, but I'm happy I made it this far. I also enlisted my good friend mrs. jandrea to do the same running plan which means I have two buddies in the process if you include the pup. The puppy is riot - he's half australian sheepdog and its clear that running is in his blood. I start running and his little black ears go flat against his head and he is so happy. I love that he enjoys it so much and it works off some of his endless energy - and also that it means I have my solitude but I'm not alone. Apparently, all I needed to enjoy running was a dog at my side.

I already feel that I have more energy and that my core is stronger. This is a good thing because this week I have to step it up to 90 seconds running/2 minutes walking. I would be nervous, but the first step made me nervous and it was exactly the right level for me.

8 weeks to go!