My first major roadblock

On Saturday night Husband and I were at a house warming party eating tacos and drinking some beers when.... all of a sudden I can't turn my neck to the left! I'm in major pain all night. I try really hard to be careful about how I sleep and take some ibuprofen thinking surely it will ease up in the morning right? No. The next day I can turn to the left, but not to the right. Then yesterday I was in pain all day.

My mom loaned me her heating pad (why the F do I not own one???) and between living with it wedged against my back and/or shoulder/neck and a steady diet of ibuprofen I am now to a point where I am hoping to be able to continue my running schedule tomorrow.

I'm also considering the possibility my older than the dinosaurs, ok this is a lie, older than my bachelor's degree (true) running shoes may have contributed to my injury. So I have convinced Husband we should trot on up to a local outlet mall over the weekend to see what kind of deals we can find a on a new pair of trainers. (sweet!)

Either way, even though I know it is ambitious and probably a little too much, I plan on trying to run tomorrow, Friday, Saturday and possibly Sunday too. Thank goodness the pup likes to keep me company on these jaunts.