The Epidemic

It seems there is a growing theme lately - Blog Fail. I've been feeling pretty guilty of my own lack of blogging, perhaps I should have just made that an item on The List. I could try to rationalize it saying I've been busy (I have!) but honestly, I just have always found sticking to a journal of any type difficult.

What brought me to mention this however is the fact that when I ventured online this morning to update The List I noticed two of my fellow bloggers had also recently posted about their recent blog fail. Which I suppose just makes me a lemming, but oh well.

The positive side is that while I may not have been blogging religiously, I have been checking things off my list! This weekend Husband and I went to the wedding of one of his cousins. It was absolutely lovely. It also happened to be at Collingswood which is George Washington's river farm (historic location - check!) in Alexandria, VA (Washington, DC - check!) which required Husband and I to drive 8 hours to get there (road trip - check!).

We haven't been on a vacation in at least 2 years so it's been really nice. Today we'll be heading out to our nation's capital for a sunny jaunt around the Smithsonian Mall. I feel like paying Mr. Lincoln a visit.